Small Details Photography

For these Fine Art Marco photographs I worked on looking at objects that we see everyday and finding the small details. One unique difference with these marco shots was using a mirror. The result was different and unique. For my settings I stayed at F/14. My ISO settings was 800 and my shutter speed was between 1/100-1/200. I used a Nikon Marco lens for these shots

Philip Greenspun has an awesome website that shows more and explains how to set up to do marco photography. Caryn Esplin is also a great expert when it comes to all things Marco. She taught me how to do Macro and what makes it even better.

BrittanyReece-still life Macro-4784

BrittanyReece-still life Macro-4791

BrittanyReece-still life Macro-4799

BrittanyReece-still life Macro-4801

BrittanyReece-still life Macro-4834