Using Speedlights, Smoke, Fog Machines, and Lighting Gels

Here is some really cool techniques to try in photography. Using Speedlights I was able to create unique background lighting that helped enhance these photos.

For the smoke photos my settings were F/11, shutter speed 1/200, and  ISO 100. I had 2 speed lights on either side of smoke. In post I used the tint slider in lightroom and change the different hues to find the right one. Here is a great website that goes more into detail about smoke photography.


Waving your hand by the smoke creates different shapes.


This photo was taken with a similar set up as the smoke. There was speedlights on either side. Setting a 2 second delay, I began to pour sugar over the spoon and this was the effect. My settings were F/13, Shutter speed 1/160, and the ISO was 100.

BrittanyReece-spoon full of sugar 2

Again with 2 speed lights, there was a fog machine as well. I place colored gels on the lights and took this photo. My settings were F/4.2, shutter speed 1/250, and ISO 320.

BrittanyReece-back lighting colors

Caryn Esplin helped me to learn these awesome new techniques. Here is another cool website showing other techniques to try.